Cyber Nations Land

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Krieg Military Researchers are embarking to the forbidden frozen waste land. Antarctica.They will be embarking from one of our Harbors.Expected landing and Research center.Scientists will be performing research on the Antarctic landscape, and will also use the area to store old military tech due to be scrapped for parts.Scrap yards much like this one in our Country side.God speed, HMS Voyager.The Team has landed on Antarctica. They shall begin construction of the initial landing base, followed by a small port for supplies, then the research facility.Some of our Scientists can be seen doing misc.

SECRET IC INFORMATION. (UNLESS You are a Military/Tech Allie with the Empire, you have NO Knowledge of this.

Kitex, NoN, and Poliz are the only ones I can think of at the moment.)Alois Krueger, Captain of the Imperial Guard, 543rd Military Research and Development Battalion.He took out a folder, and examined the details of his mission.' Begin research and development immediatly.' -General-Imperium Radec Klauss.He Pulled out an Image of the Ballistic Missile Schematics.' .A Missile that follows a sub-orbital ballistic flightpath with the objective of delivering one or more warheads (often nuclear) to a predetermined target.' Lets see what else we have.He then pulled out an Image of an Anti Ballistic Missile research weapon.'

.An (ABM) missile is designed to counter ballistic missiles. However the term is used more commonly for ABM systems designed to counter long range, nuclear-armed Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).' He then began examining the Underground schematics of the Research base.' The Safety of the Empire lies in the success of our research.' .

This, integrating the individual nations’ cyber capabilities into its operations. NATO has formally recognised cyberspace as a new frontier in defence, along with land, air and sea (the fourth domain), meaning battles could be waged on computer networks.

SECRET IC TRANSMISSION TO MILITARY TECH ALLIES ONLY.' . We have reports that our team has landed in Antarctica. We will begin the construction of our research base, and eventually lead to the researching of Ballistic and Anti-Ballistic Missiles. As per our treaties we are ready and willing to share all information obtained and are willing to cooperate in research. We let all our allies know these weapons MUST be developed inorder to secure threats against our nations from using a full scale military invasion, or launching a 'Strike First' Nuclear Policy.' EDIT: OOC: Yes, I know I dont have nukes.

These arnt really nukes Im trying to make, anyways, youll just have to read the RP as it goes by to figure out whats going on. As the King sits idly at his desk, waiting for the time to come to meet with the remainder of the Eurasian Union regarding important EU issues, the phone rings on his desk.' The man on the other line spoke neatly, not rushed, but very calm and inviting, 'M'lord, satellites report that the German whiner-fascists ruling Spain have landed in Antarctica.' He seemed annoyed at this report.' And further analysis reports that there are four major cargo ships bound for their base in Antarctica.

Reports also state that these ships are filled with major construction equipment enough to build ballistic missiles, also included is as much concrete as can build a new football stadium in Prague. High definition photographs also show schematic reports of some nature; they are too blurry to make out perfectly.' 'Building something a bit larger than an environmental research base, eh? I wonder how they will pay for it when more people hate Krieg than Nordland, at least they were good at finding friends.

Who're their trading partners? That tiny nation above Russia, right? Yeah, I see many funding problems in the future for them.' 'Should we release this information to the public, sir?' 'Yes, the more bad publicity they get, the less is directed at us,' he chuckled a bit after he said it.' .CAU on the boat.'

Hey Braeburn, you look like you're gonna puke.' 'You know what Donnie, why don't you just.pukes.' Hey, McClosky, Braeburn, listen up. CO just started reading our orders.' 'Alright, C squad, you guys need to patrol the outside of the facility. Any suspicious activity, report it to us ASAP. B squad, you guys are inside in the power room.

A squad, you're with me. We'll keep the researchers protected while they're outside the facility. Speaking of which, McCullen, how long do we have?' '1, maybe two hours at the most.' .The First Cargo ship filled with crew and supplies has landed and has been constructing for hours, in the dead cold.

Alois Krueger oversees the project from his command tent. Heated, also.Call to Captain Alois Krueger, CO of the operation.Radio Control Operator: 'CAU ETA in - 2 hours sir.' Alois: 'Thank you Private.'

.He hangs up the phone and announces via speaker throughout the facility.' CAU ETA in 2 hours, Ground crew prepare to welcome our guests and show them around. They are to be treated with UPMOST respect, Orders from the Emperor HIMSELF.' Alois: 'Well, let us get back to overseeing the construction.'

The Executive Minister looked down at a map that had been hastily unfurled on a table before him.' .as you can see our new found allies,the Krieg are a more 'productive' bunch than we thought! They have begun construction of an Antarctic bas.' General Michaelson was a blur of words and hand movements, speaking to the map it seemed. Grid 2 multiplayer. He was almost completely lost in thought, the excitement of the past few days showing on the hardened war veteran's face.' Excellent, these Krieg show great promise.

Dispatch a message at once. I think our friends in the war materials department will be happy to hear this.' .PRIVATE.The NoN is pleased that its newfound ally, The Krieg Empire, is industrious its own defence. We had become worried that you would become another pushover state like the Seventh Reich.In light of recent events, we would like to recieve clearance for the immediate airlift of some war materiel and personnel belonging to the NoN's Armed Forces to your base.These men and supplies are well trained and prepared - you can only expect the utmost respect and professionalism to come from them. They will be arriving in the NoN's signature Civilian Airlifters, so as to not bring undue attention to your operations.Normally, the NMI/NDII/MILAC military conglomerates in our nation would only have access to the African Continent's unique environment. With your help, they would like to test our military capabilities (properly modified, of course) in the extreme conditions of your base.You can also expect to recieve any other aid required in your endeavours in the Deep South - all you must do is ask.Executive Minister, The Executive Minister of the Nation of NodJohn Michaelson, General of the 1st Militant Division, NoN Armed Forces. The Executive Minister looked down at a map that had been hastily unfurled on a table before him.'

.as you can see our new found allies,the Krieg are a more 'productive' bunch than we thought! They have begun construction of an Antarctic bas.' General Michaelson was a blur of words and hand movements, speaking to the map it seemed.

He was almost completely lost in thought, the excitement of the past few days showing on the hardened war veteran's face.' Excellent, these Krieg show great promise. Dispatch a message at once. I think our friends in the war materials department will be happy to hear this.' .PRIVATE.The NoN is pleased that its newfound ally, The Krieg Empire, is industrious its own defence. We had become worried that you would become another pushover state like the Seventh Reich.In light of recent events, we would like to recieve clearance for the immediate airlift of some war materiel and personnel belonging to the NoN's Armed Forces to your base.These men and supplies are well trained and prepared - you can only expect the utmost respect and professionalism to come from them. They will be arriving in the NoN's signature Civilian Airlifters, so as to not bring undue attention to your operations.Normally, the NMI/NDII/MILAC military conglomerates in our nation would only have access to the African Continent's unique environment.

With your help, they would like to test our military capabilities (properly modified, of course) in the extreme conditions of your base.You can also expect to recieve any other aid required in your endeavours in the Deep South - all you must do is ask.Executive Minister, The Executive Minister of the Nation of NodJohn Michaelson, General of the 1st Militant Division, NoN Armed Forces.The Emperor read over the Telegram carefully. He then motioned to his assistant to dispatch a message back.Secret IC:'We would like to thank you for your help. I will give word that our Scientists are to clear a Airstrip for your planes. We will also be sending A few ourselves filled with Military personnel for defense, and to mix up our enemies.

However we ask that you limit your heavy Military equipment. We dont want to send the impression of a full fledged military force being stationed. Of course, that is only temporary.

Also, dont be afraid to send any researchers. The more, the faster we can get our Missile research done, and we can share this new technology with our allies such as yourself to increase our nation's security.' 'Braeburn, McClosky, gear up, we landed.' McClosky grabbed his M16 and said to Braeburn, 'Think we can keep these damn things firing?' Braeburn slung his weapon over his shoulder and said, 'I just hope that my face doesn't freeze off.'

Their CO, Captain Martin, said, 'Guys, Kreig scientists ahead. Does ANYONE in this damn army speak German?' One private held up his hand and said, 'I do Captain, uh, a little.' Martin dragged him over and said 'Better than hand signals.' .Alois Krueger stood waiting at the small Antarctic dock/airstrip, and went to meet the Americans.'

Ah! Hallo unk Willkommen zu Neu Bremen!' .He began to speak German but slowly noticed the dumb look on the American's faces.' Ah, I mean, Hello, and Welcome to New Bremen!

I am Captain Alois Krueger, 534th Military research battalion. Im the head of this project. Come with me to the tent, its huge, and it has heat!' OOC: You can't be even close to done after three days. They'd still be laying down concrete for buildings after three days.OOC: hmm Im not so much building a big base on the surface as much as the top. BTW, dont take those pictures to heart. I could only find some like that.Anyways, for the top, Some buildings (Mainly portable or prefabricated because concrete would be too heavy on the ice) will be placed.

Most of the construction is bellow the surface. But, Im not going to announce that Publicly IC. Thats my Secret research part.The top of the base will be small to mask what is lurking beneath.EDIT: 3 days = about a month at least ICly. More then enough time to get some Prefrabicated buildings or some light tents and Portable buildings set up.

One night, just before Christmas in 2015, the power went out across Kiev. As apartments rapidly chilled in the sub-zero temperatures and water pipes began to freeze, Ukrainian engineers raced to turn the power back on. A year later, exactly the same thing happened again. The power was only off for a few hours each time, but a point had been made.


Anonymous fingers had set off a weapon that, in the depths of a Ukrainian winter, could be every bit as deadly as a precision-guided missile.This is just one of many cyber attacks in recent years, including many on Nato allies. Hackers have attempted to influence elections in the US, France and Germany.In 2017, disruption caused by the NotPetya attack cost Maersk, the world’s largest shipping company,. Last year’s WannaCry ransomware attack caused disruption to dozens of. These incidents have increased public awareness of cyber attacks. Nato has been working to combat them for a lot longer.

For almost seven decades, we at Nato have ensured the defence of our nations. Today, that means protecting 29 countries and almost 1bn people. During the cold war, our focus was on guarding against conventional and nuclear conflict.

Today, a cyber attack can be as destructive as a conventional attack, and practically every conflict has a cyber dimension. So being able to defend ourselves in cyber space is just as important as defending ourselves on land, at sea and in the air.In 2016, Nato leaders pledged to invest more in cyber defence. This is part of the biggest reinforcement of our collective defence since the cold war, in response to a more unpredictable security environment. Since then almost every ally has improved its cyber capabilities. In Europe, the UK is leading the way, investing £1.9bn through its National Cyber Security Strategy.

Its CyberFirst Girls Competition, aimed at encouraging more young people into a career in cyber security, has had more than 12,500 participants.The UK is not alone. Nato’s cyber rapid reaction teams are on standby 24 hours a day to help any ally. National cyber capabilities are being integrated into Nato operations and we will set up a new Cyber Operations Centre as part of a revamped Nato command structure. This will allow military commanders to integrate cyber fully into our planning and operations. I am often asked how significant a cyber attack would need to be to trigger Article 5. My answer is: we will seeWe are also helping allies to pool their resources, knowledge and expertise. In Estonia, itself the victim of a large cyber attack in 2007, the Nato Centre of Excellence for Cyber Defence co-ordinates research and training in cyber defence across the alliance.

It also organises large-scale cyber exercises such as Locked Shields, the world’s biggest live-fire cyber exercise, held annually, allowing participants to test their skills against world-class opponents.Nato works closely with partners, such as Ukraine and Moldova, helping them improve their national cyber defences. We work with the EU on training and research, participating in each other’s cyber exercises. We share information on cyber attacks in real time with the EU, governments and private companies, as we did during the WannaCry attack. Private companies are often the first line of defence against cyber attacks. That is why we launched the Nato Industry Cyber Partnership in 2014. During the WannaCry attack, the information provided by industry partners was critical for getting the most up-to-date picture of a rapidly evolving and complex situation.The cornerstone of our collective defence is Article 5 of Nato’s founding treaty.

It states that an attack on one ally is an attack on all allies. Previously, only physical attacks could trigger Article 5. Now, following agreement by Nato leaders in 2014, this includes a cyber attack.

I am often asked how significant a cyber attack would need to be to trigger an Article 5 response. My answer is: we will see. The principles of deterrence dictate that this must remain deliberately vague or we risk inviting attacks at a level immediately below that threshold.The nature of any response must also remain undefined, but it could include diplomatic and economic sanctions, cyber responses, or even the use of conventional forces, depending on the nature and consequences of the attack. Whatever our response, Nato will continue to follow the principle of restraint and act in accordance with international law.This week, Nato leaders are meeting in Brussels. We are strengthening our defences, including our cyber defences. We are making sure that our armed forces can fulfil their missions without being paralysed by cyber attacks.

We are helping our allies and partners to be more resilient through the exchange of knowledge, intelligence and training.The digital revolution has improved our lives in many ways. But if we are to fully enjoy the opportunities, we must also guard against the risks. Nato is taking the necessary steps to keep our nations and our people safe.The writer is secretary-general of Nato.