Pocket God Episode 1

Pocket God Episode 1 Rating: 4,2/5 7164 votes

So, this is the list of Pocket God Episodes 1-42Episode 1: Nowhere To Go, Nothin' To Do1. Drop Pygmy in water.2. Flick Pygmy behind island.Episode 2: Does This Megabyte Make My App Look Fat?1. Unlock Episode 1.Episode 3: You Always Hurt the One You Lava1. Flick Pygmy in to volcano.2. Make Volcano overflow with lava by throwing another Pygmy in.3.

Make Volcano erupt by throwing another Pygmy in the volcano.4. Burn Pygmy with lava falling from the sky when you throw 3 pygmies in the volcano.Episode 4: Shake That App!1.

Make Pygmy unsteady by turning your device.2. Make Pygmy lose balance.3. Make Pygmy slide across the ground.4. Make Pygmy slide while sleeping.5. Make Pygmy slide off island and drown.6.

Generate Earthquake by shaking your device.7. Turn your device upside down and make Pygmy fall into the sky.8. Make Pygmy hang upside down with your device turned upside down.9. Turn device upside down and tap Pygmy when hanging upside down.10.

Turn upside down and generate an earthquake to make Pygmy lose grip and fall into sky.Episode 5: A Storm is Coming.1. Bring out storm clouds.2. Generate lightning.3. Zap Pygmy with lightning.4. Lightning blast causes Pygmy to drown.Episode 6: And on the 7th Day, Rest!1.

Pocket God is filled with hilarious interactive situations and mini-games where. In the Dance Dance Execution chamber, drop a Pygmy into the right chute to. Jul 04, 2016  Pocket God Game Play #1 CrudPancakes. Unsubscribe from CrudPancakes? Cancel Unsubscribe. Pocket God - Episode 1 - Duration: 11:31. Failboat 164,616 views.

Change from day to night.2. Cause sun to set or rise.3.

Dazzle Pygmies with sunset.4. Make Pygmies sleep at night.Episode 7: Just Give Us 5 Minutes1. Make Pygmies dance by tapping the screen.2. Bounce coconut on Pygmy's head by dropping a coconut on a Pygmy's head.3. Bounce coconut on sleeping Pygmy's head.4.

Pin Pygmy with meteor.5. Bowl Pygmies with meteor.6. Pygmy eats a coconut.Episode 8: Jump the Shark.1. Feed Pygmy to shark.2.

Give Pygmy the shark hat by dropping shark on a pygmy's head.3. Drown Pygmy with a shark smack.Episode 9: Idle Hands.1. Watch Pygmy look upward.2. Watch Pygmy look down.3. Watch Pygmy fart.4.

Watch Pygmy scratch butt.5. Watch Pygmy pick his nose.6.

Watch Pygmy wave hello.7. Watch Pygmy yawn.Episode 10: Hi, Dracula!1. Tap moon to call vampire bat.2. Vampire bat bites sleeping Pygmy.3.

Vampire Pygmy knocks Pygmies off island.4. Burn Vampire Pygmy with sunlight.5. Create eclipse with meteor by holding the meteor over the sun.6. Knock bat out of the sky by tapping the vampire bat.Episode 11: A Mighty Wind.1. Generate hurricane by swirling around the screen while it is thunder storming.2. Pick up Pygmy in hurricane.3. Zap Pygmy with lightning when a Pygmy is inside the hurricane.4.

Pick up coconut in hurricane.5. Pick up fish in hurricane.6. Pick up fishing pole in hurricane.7. Pick up spear in hurricane.8. Pick up wood in hurricane.9. Pick up cooked Pygmy in hurricane.10.

Pick up bird in hurricane.11. Pick up banana in hurricane.12.

Pick up banana peel in hurricane.Episode 12: Something's Fishy.1. Pygmy goes fishing.2. Pygmy catches fish.3.Pygmy eats fish.4. Fish-Slap a Pygmy.5.

Shark pulls fishing Pygmy into water.Episode 13: March of the Fire Ants.1.Whip ants into frenzy by tapping ant hill.2. Make ants eat Pygmy by dragging the ant hill left or right.3.

Burn ants with magnifying glass.4. Burn Pygmy with magnifying glass.Episode 14: Say My Name!1.

Open the tribe stats screen with the stars.2. Change the name of a Pygmy.3. Change your god type.Episode 15: A New Home.1. Visit Rock island.2. Pin a Pygmy with the purple dinosaur egg.3.

Bowl Pygmies off island with T-Rex egg.4. Pygmy enters out house.5. Call Pygmy out of out house by tapping the door of the outhouse.6. Pygmy waiting to go in the out house explodes.7. Pygmy waiting for outhouse makes it just in time.Episode 16: The Tyrannosaurus Strikes Back.1.

Crack egg and wake baby T-Rex by dropping the egg on the ground 3 times.2. T-Rex eats Pygmy.3. Poke T-Rex by tapping the T-Rex.Episode 17: Return of the Pygmy.1. Give Pygmy the Spear.2. Hit T-Rex with Spear.3.

Defeat the T-Rex.4. Tap Sand island statue to vaporize Pygmies.Episode 18: Surf's Up.1. Visit the Underwater area.2. Create a Tsunami by Quickly Dragging the water on an island to make a giant wave.3.

Harpoon Pygmies with underwater statue.Episode 19: Fun'n Games till a Pygmy gets Hurt.1. Open the challenge screen by clicking on the white Pygmies on the menu bar.2. Play the coconut bounce mini-game on the sand island.3. Play the shark snap mini-game when holding a Pygmy over water and moving the Pygmy left and right.4.

Play the hurricane zap mini-game and see how many Pygmies you can zap in a hurricane.Episode 20: Stop! My App is On Fire!1. Pygmy carries log to the fire pit on the rock island.2. Fill fire pit with all 3 logs.3.

Light logs by zapping the logs with lightning.4. Pygmy warms by fire by luckily stopping by the fire to warm up.5.

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Cook fish with fire by holding fish over the fire, but not for too long!6. Pygmy eats cooked fish.7. Make a burnt fish by holding the fish over the fire for too long.8. Make a Pygmy eat a burnt fish and fall off island.9. Hold Pygmy over fire and cook the Pygmy till Pygmy turns grey.10. Poke the fire and burn Pygmies with flames.Episode 21: Flipping the Bird.1. Tap Dodo bird to make Dodo poop.2.

Play the bird-bomb mini-game by trying to see how many times you can poop on the Pygmiesmissing.3. Hit a standing Pygmy with a bird bomb.4. Hit a sleeping Pygmy with a bird bomb.5. Feed fish to Dodo bird.6. Feed Pygmy to the Dodo bird.7.

Drop Dodo bird into the ocean.8. Cook the Dodo on fire.9. Pygmy eats the cooked Dodo bird.10.

Overcook the Dodo bird.11. Pygmy chokes on the burned Dodo bird.12. Zap Dodo bird with lightning.13. Create whirlpool underwater (isn't that really random)?Episode 22: Ooga Jump.1. Play Ooga jump by dropping Pygmy on cloud.2. Jump on ice cloud in Ooga jump.3.

Jump on storm cloud in Ooga jump.4. Die from falling in Ooga jump.Episode 23: Bait Master.Hint: this episode is underwater.1. Play bait master mini-game.2.

Feed Pygmy to Piranha.Episode 24: Idle Hands 2: Caught with your Pants Down.1. Watch Pygmy beat his chest.2. Watch Pygmy skirt fall down revealing underwear.3. Watch Pygmy skirt fall with censor bar.4. Watch Pygmy hair fall.5. Watch Pygmy sneeze.6.

Watch Pygmy think of fish.7. Watch Pygmy think of a coconut.8. Watch Pygmy think of cooked Dodo bird.Episode 25: Sharks With Fricken' Laser Beams.Hint: This episode is also underwater.1. Grab chum from bucket.2.

Fire shark laser.3. Play the shark blast mini-game.4. Put chum in Pygmy's hand.5. Feed chum to shark.6. Shark eats Pygmy holding chum.7. Blast Pygmy with laser shark.Episode 26: Dead Pygmy Walking.1.

Visit Graveyard island.2. Drop Pygmy in grave.4. Bury Pygmy alive and turn into zombie.5.

Tap and kill zombie.6. Zombie eats Pygmy brain.7. Zombie eats sleeping Pygmy's brains.8. Make a zombie dance by tapping the screen.Episode 27: Good Will Haunting.Hint: This challenge is only possible in the graveyard island.1.

Turn Pygmy into ghost by killing a Pygmy.2. Guide the ghost into light in the top right corner of your device.3. Posses Pygmy with ghost.4. Scare Pygmy to death.5. Ghost carries Pygmy away.6.

Ghost pulls Pygmy into ghost dimension.7. Make a banshee scream by tap and holding a ghost.8.

Make a Banshee scream that shatters the eardrums of the Pygmies.Episode 28: Barking Spider, Crouching Pygmy.1. Put Pygmy into Spider Web.2.

Wrap Pygmy in spider cocoon (You know what, when you get the Pygmy in to the spider'sweb, just click the Pygmy in the web 3 times and that completes 3 hints).3. Pygmy eaten by giant spider.4. Poke barking spider by tapping its abdomen.5.

Hit barking spider with spear by dropping the spear on to a Pygmy.6. Defeat the barking spider.Episode 29: The Pyg Chill.1. Visit ice island.2. Drop Pygmy in to igloo (Don't forget to activate the igloo)!3. Drop fish in to igloo.4.

Pygmy crawls in to igloo to eat fish.5. Pygmy eats fish in igloo.6. Pygmy crawls out of igloo.7. Fire Pygmy from igloo by trying to get Pygmy out of igloo.8. Drop two Pygmies in the igloo to fire one out of door.9. Raise the ice monster by hitting the big igloo in the background.10.

Pygmy killed by snowball.11. Defeat the ice monster.12. Flick Pygmy and bounce off ice monster.13. Flick Pygmy and explode on ice monster.14. Flick a Pygmy into the ice monster's mouth.15.

Make the ice monster dizzy.Episode 30: Great Job Ice Hole.1. Overheat a Pygmy by enlarging the sun.2. Freeze the Pygmy by shrinking the sun.3. Burn an ice hole in the ice island.4. Decapitate Pygmy by playing tug of war with the squid.5. Give a hole Pygmy to the ice squid.6. Make a Pygmy fish in the ice hole.7.

Catch a swordfish in the ice hole.8. Swordfish-slap a Pygmy.9.

Swordfish slap a sleeping Pygmy.10. Pygmy eats swordfish and gets an ulcer.11. Drop a burnt Pygmy into the ice hole to cause an ice geyser.12. Pygmy impaled by icicles from ice geyser.Episode 31: What's the Story Morning Glory?1.Open the story screen.2.

Watch a story in story mode.3. Create a story.4. Unplug the drain in the underwater area.5. Send Pygmy down the drain.6. Play the pain drain mini-game.7. Spike the Pygmy in the pain drain mini-game.Episode 31B: What's the Story Morning Glory?

Check the news.Episode 32: Crack is Whack.1. Draw crack on ground.2. Pygmy falls through crack and dies.3. Play the runs mini-game.4. Pygmy runs through bat poop.5. Pygmy runs into lava rock and explodes.6. Pygmy runs in lava and sinks.7.

Bump head on stalactites. Episode 33: A Pygmy a day keeps the ape away.1. Visit ape mountain.2.

Drop Pygmy into winch.3. Drop Pygmy by bongos.4. Drop Pygmy into altar.5.

Turn the winch.6. Wind Pygmy up on altar.7. Light the torches.8. Make Pygmy play bongos.9.

Pull Pygmy from ape at last minute and cause tantrum.10. Ape smashes Pygmy in winch.11. Ape smashes Pygmy in bongos.12. Wind Pygmy on altar until he snaps.13. Make giant ape dance.Episode 34: Monkey See, Monkey Chew.1. Grab banana to attract monkey.2.

Bring three monkeys at one time to the mountain.3. Monkey climbs torch.4. Monkey climbs tree.5. Drop a monkey on Pygmy's back.6.

Drop Pygmy on monkey and Pygmy is thrown off mountain.7. Monkeys play catch with Pygmy.8. Monkey eats banana.9. Pygmy eats banana.10. Pygmy slips on banana peel.11. Shock the monkey with lightning.12.

Monkey bothers sleeping Pygmy.13. Make Monkeys dance.14. Burn monkey on lit torch.Episode 35: Double Rainbow All The Way Across The Sky.1. Draw a double rainbow.2.

Pygmy says 'Whoa, Double Rainbow All The Way'.3. Pygmy says 'So Intense'.4. Pygmy says 'Double Rainbow All The Ways Across The Sky'.5. Pygmy says 'Oh my God'.6. Pygmy says 'What Does This Mean?' Pygmy says 'Its Starting To Look Like a Triple Rainbow!'

Episode 36: Konkey Dong.1. Put Pygmy in Konkey statue's grip.2. Pygmy kidnapped from the grip of statue.3.

Play the Konkey Dong mini-game.4. Pygmy killed by boulder in Konkey Dong.5. Pygmy killed by beetle in Konkey Dong.6.

Fall off Konkey Dong level.7. Use the pick in Konkey Dong.8. Bounce on the back of the beetle in Konkey Dong.9. Jump over beetle in Konkey Dong.10. Jump over boulder in Konkey Dong.11. Hit the beetle with the pick in Konkey Dong.12.

Crush Boulder with Pick in Konkey Dong.Episode 37: TheMoronPests.1. Tap Dream bubble to travel to misfit island. (a dream bubble appears when Pygmy sleeps).2. Visit the island of misfit crossovers.3. Drop the snake on Pygmy's head.4.

Pygmy eaten by Moron Pest Turtle.5. Play the Moron Pests mini-game.Episode 38: Two and a Half Pygmies.1. Charlie says he's a vatican assassin warlock.2. Charlie says he's 'bi-winning'.3. Charlie says he's a total freakin rock star from Mars.4.

Charlie says dying is for fools.5. Charlie says it's on, bring it!6. Charlie says 'wow, winning!' Charlie says 'Winning!' Charlie says he has one speed, one gear, go!9. Charlie comments on double rainbow.10. Charlie says that only normal people need sleep.11.

Charlie throws food away.12. Charlie turns into tiger and cuts Pygmy in half.13. Drop half Pygmy on Pygmy head.14. Drop half Pygmy on Charlie's head.15. Warlock Charlie strikes Pygmy with lightning.16. Warlock Charlie defeats vampire Pygmy.17.

Drop a shark on Charlie's head.18. Drop a boulder on Charlie's head.19. Drop a T-Rex egg on Charlie's head.20. Drop a Monkey on Charlie's back.Episode 39: Island of the Gods.1. Visit the island of the gods.2. Place Pygmy on Pedestal.3. Pygmy's sing.4.

Place God Idol on pedestal.5. Open the temple door.6. Pygmy floats away in air bubble.Episode 43: Killing Time1.

Visit Apocalypse Island.2. Open the Apocalypse temple door.3. Enter the chamber of time (right when you open the door, drop pygmy inside) 4. Drop pygmy on the platform (time platform)5. Pull the time lever (the lever to the left or the right)6. Activate time energy (tap on the pole holding the platform)7. Create Ginger, old fart, baby, and fast pygmies by moving the lever left or right in the four fixed spots.8.

Pick up the old pygmy.9. Old pygmy falls down when you drop him.10. Old pygmy rejects fish if you give it to him.11. Give old pygmy a heart attack if you rapidly tap him.12. Old pygmy poops himself (idle movement)13. Feed the baby fish or coconuts.14.

Baby pygmy poops diaper (idle movement)15. Baby shakes rattle snake (give the rattlesnake to him)16. T-Rex eats baby pygmy.17. Feed the baby to the shark.18. Flick the fast pygmy.19. Flick fast pygmy into the volcano.20.

Hit the ice monster with the fast pygmy.21. Ginger Pygmy dies of sun exposure (put him outside in the daytime)22. Vampire dies of soul-less Ginger Pygmy (Put them next to each other during the nighttime. Thank you very much for reading this guide! Now to the (more) stuff.This will help you beat the bosses like the T-Rex, Barking Spider, etc.T-Rex- You beat the T-Rex by spawning the T-Rex and bringing out one Pygmy.

Keep holding the Pygmy so the T-Rex cannot eat the Pygmy. When the T-Rex is on the far left or far right, drop the Pygmy and put the spear onto the Pygmy's hands. The Pygmy will automatically throw the spear in the direction of the T-Rex.

DO NOT let the Pygmy get eaten, or the T-Rex will restore lots of health. Keep doing that and you will eventually beat the T-Rex when you get the hang of it.Spider- The exact same strategy goes for the Spider from the T-Rex. The Spider has a little bit more health and is harder to defeat. Remember, you must never let the Spider eat a Pygmy or the Spider will restore lots of health. The Spider is very hard for you begginers, so if I were you, defeat the T-Rex before you try to defeat the Spider.Ice Monster- The ice monster is a very hard boss and I think it is the hardest boss yet.

You beat the Ice Monster by flicking Pygmies back at the Ice Monster and hitting the Ice Monster. Whenever you hit the Ice Monster, he will lose some of its life. Sometimes the Pygmy will explode when you hit the Ice Monster.

Sometimes when the Pygmy hits the Ice Monster, the Ice Monster will deflect the Pygmy and the Pygmy will go flying into the water. Sometimes when the Pygmy hits the Ice Monster, the Ice Monster will get Dizzy and will be vulnerable.

Sometimes when the Pygmy hits the Ice Monster, the Ice Monster will swallow the Pygmy.That's all there is in this blog of Pocket God, and I wish you a Merry Fishmas and have a Hanu-Coconut.

I am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony. I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. One day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. I believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. Because i am now happy with my wife.

Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.comorcall/whatsapp:+346i am ERIC BRUNT by name. Greetings to every one that is reading this testimony.

I have been rejected by my wife after three(3) years of marriage just because another Man had a spell on her and she left me and the kid to suffer. One day when i was reading through the web, i saw a post on how this spell caster on this address AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com have help a woman to get back her husband and i gave him a reply to his address and he told me that a man had a spell on my wife and he told me that he will help me and after 3 days that i will have my wife back. I believed him and today i am glad to let you all know that this spell caster have the power to bring lovers back. Because i am now happy with my wife. Thanks for helping me Dr Akhere contact him on email: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.comorcall/whatsapp:+346.