Drakensang The Dark Eye Stinking Cave Map

Drakensang The Dark Eye Stinking Cave Map Rating: 5,0/5 8505 votes

2020-3-31  NPCs offer PvE quests, which you can complete for a reward in andermant, EXP, coins and/or other possible bonuses. Quests unlock with the level of your character, so if you experience a lapse in available quests, increase your character level and you will find more quests at the appropriate location. In addition, some quests are part of a series and must be completed in sequential order.

SQ14 The Boltan Card Trick (continued)1. Find the thiefYou will find the thief in the inn M6(3). She claims to have been cursed. You can help her by following her into the marshes, but not before the undead are dealt with.2.

Beat saber sabers. Deal with the undead plagueYou need to complete Q8.1 Eliminate the undead plague.3. Tell Thalya about your successReturn to Thalya and tell her that the undead are gone.4. Lead Tayle through the marshesFollow Thalya to the crypt she mentioned M6(23).

Once you'll reach the spot she will open the door and let you inside.5. Save the cursed oneThe crypts holds the remains of her lover - Ailric Farfar. Ailric will keep Thalya within the crypt unless she pays him 27 Ducats. Since she doesn't have the money you'll have to pay. Once you'll do that Ailric's soul will be free. Be sure to pick up a rapier from his remains.Reward: Rapier of Fanfare (1K+5, 25% chance of dealing a deep wound)6. Collect the unpaid debtsReturn to the inn where Thalya was supposed to await you.

You'll find out that she's not there and that she has robbed innkeeper Pebblebeer.7. When it rains, it poursHead to the mill M6(29), where Thalya will be waiting for you.8. The meeting in the old millShe will explain to you why she stole the money and will give it back.Reward: Chain, innkeeper's money9. Return the stolen money to the innkeeperReturn the stolen money to innkeeper Pebbleber of Moorbridge and Ibrom from Wagoner's Home.SQ25 The Boron Deont of MoorbridgeYou will receive the quest at the beginning of the chapter from Bredo Bento.1. Search for Morlinde in the marshMorlinde M6(21) is in one of the crypts. The key to the door can be found on necromancer's body M6(16).2. Find Morlinde in MoorbridgeAfter freeing Morlinde you will have to meet with her in Moorbridge.

She can be found at the temple M6(6).Reward: Hammer 1D+43. Meet with Bredo BentoWhen talking to Morlinde be sure to mention Bredo Bento M6(2), and then head off to tell him that he can meet the deont.Reward: PerfumeSQ26 The wolf rats of MoorbridgeInnkeeper Pebblebeer will tell you about his rat problem M6(5) the creatures are swarming behind the inn - go out and wipe them out.1. Tell the news to the innkeeperGo back to the innkeeper and tell him that you have killed off the rats.Option 1: Innkeeper will pay you for your help.Reward: 4 ThalersOption 2: You'll refuse to take the money.SQ27 An Elf in DistressRunning around the marshes you will encounter an elf M6(11) who is being held prisoner by the evil tree. The only way to release her is to destroy the tree.1. Destroy the evil treeThe fight with the tree is not easy. You will be under constant attacks from the dragon plants and fireflies, but focus on the tree, because the fireflies will keep on appearing until you kill it. It appears that killing the tree does not resolve the problem - the roots are still holding the elf in place.

She thinks that you should enter the trunk and meet with her ancestor, who may be responsible for the whole situation. The tells you to take the flute, that belonged to her ancestor.2. Hozer video.

Calm the uneasy spiritEnter the tree and talk to the elven ghost.Option 1: Give him the flute and let him leave in peace.Option 2: Persuade him that he doesn't really need the flute.Option 3: Fight the ghost.Reward: If you decide to go with options 2 or 3 you will receive Soul Instrument (Charisma +2)2.1 The elven ghost had been defeated/convinced to leaveAfter the talk/fight the ghost will leave.3. Talk to Gwendala about your successNow is the time to talk to Gwendala. She will be happy you managed to solve her ancestral problem, no matter how you did it. Thankful, she will join your party.SQ28 The Burial JewelryIn one of the crypts M6(22) you will be attacked by two graverobbers.Option 1: Fight them. If you kill them you will receive the burial jewelery.Option 2: Try to resolve the matter without bloodshed.

Tell them you've killed the necromancer and use Human Nature to find out that they were responsible for locking up Morlinde. Continue the conversation and try to convince them to stop robbing graves. At the end of the conversation they will hand over the burial jewelry.Now head to the temple and talk to Morlinde. Give her the jewelry to receive experience.SQ29 The Cleansing of the CryptsMorlinde M6(6), will give you this quest after you've completed SQ25.2 Find Morlinde in Moorbridge. There are eight crypts. Enter each of them and clear the altar. Once you're done, report to Morlinde.Reward: 7 Ducats, 2 x healing potionsSQ30 An Old Treasure MapIn the inn M6(3) talk to the gardener Wigur.

He will tell you about Krobber's treasure. Go to gardener Krobber and mention the treasure. He won't give you anything solid until you complete the SQ25.1 Search for Mordlinde in the Marshes1.

Find the treasure mapMap M6(7) can be found in the cave between two bottles.2. Solve the puzzle2.1 First part of the puzzleRead the description on three graves M6(19).2.2 Second part of the puzzleRead the description on the fourth grave M6(17).2.3 Third part of the puzzleYou'll have to press the bottommost button on this grave.Mouse over the warrior's mouth - the description will change and now say 'a button'. Press it, to get the treasure.Near the place where you met Rakorium is a grave with three buttons M6(15). Press the bottommost one to receive a key and a piece of paper.2.4 The missing fragmentEven though you've found the next puzzle you're still missing a piece.

You have to complete SQ30.2.6 Find the lock, to solve the mystery.2.5 The fourth part of the puzzleEnter one of the crypts M6(25). You'll be able to open the door using the key you received at the beginning of the chapter from Bredo Bento.2.6 Find the lockThere is a sarcophagus in the back of the crypt. Mouse over it's mouth and you'll find a hidden button.

Pressing it will open a secret cache with treasure in it.Reward: Tenobaal's arrows recipe, 5 x Tenobaal's arrow.

Meet with the secret informant After completing quest Report to Barla or Report to Barla drakesang will be approached by city guard Reuben 5. Drakensang: The Dark Eye (Poradnik do gry) by Karol Wilczek on Apple BooksIntelligence Move a bit deeper into the district you will see that the Dark Eyes are patrolling the streets and you’ll need some vantage point in order to gather information Calm the uneasy spirit Enter the tree and talk to the elven ghost. Talk to Reginald Get back to Reginald and tell him what has happened. There are two ways you can get it: Owlstone the Hunter Talk to the Innkeeper Thalion If you choose the right dialog options he will even be willing to trade with you.Gerling is supposed to stay in Tallon and that’s where you are going to meet up with him.Continue the conversation and try to convince them to stop robbing graves. Investigate Erick’s murder Gather information about the murder Go to Eelko’s murder scene 6. A ete excellent starter guide, providing lots of insight and hints without dropping the spoiler bomb Appreciate your work and uploading for us! Locate the Marauder Camp Talk to Ancoron 15who can be found on one of the bridges leading to the Grove.Report to the captain Return to the captain and tell him of the camp.

Challenge Humbert in his camp Head to Humbert’s 21 camp and talk to him. The most interesting room is 12 where you will find some very interesting weapons and armor. Notice, that the guard has moved away from the camp and sneak in.She will advise you to talk to Berndrik 19who may have some vital information concerning the witch. He will tell you that the gate has been closed due to the increased goblin activity outside. Drakensang: The Dark Eye (Poradnik do gry)Tree in the heart of the forest Save the tree Oneberries can also be found in barrels throughout the area.

Report to da Vanya Once all of the witches are dead Kill the witches report it to the Grand Inquisitor to learn that there is one more thing you need to do – you need to kill the one remaining witch, Heidrune.Your mission is to destroy their eggs laying all around the district 12, 13, 14, 15 and In order to do that one of your party members needs to be able to disable the traps as there are quite a few on level three and springing anyone of them means the failure of this quest.Enter each of them and clear the altar.Chapter IX – Maps. Find rdakensang Owlstone Your mission is to find Owlstone. Report to Ronkwer Ronkwer will refuse to pay you.He seeks vengeance upon the ogres who destroyed his village. Let the mage out of the treasury Release the mage. You will see that he’s surrounded by Storrebrandt’s workers. There’s also a map just by the residence’s door that allows you to travel more quickly. Talk to Barla Darksmith Time to visit Barla 5.