Idling To Rule The Gods Divinity

Idling To Rule The Gods Divinity Rating: 4,5/5 244 votes

I have done the UAC and would like to help those tortured souls who went into the UAC.Proof:!(guide will look as it follows:1.Introduction. UAC001. What is the UAC? Why would I do it?

When should I do it?.Active Gameplay. UAC101. 1st RB UAC112. 2nd RB UAC123. 3rd RB UAC134. 4th RB UAC145.

Changelog for Idling to Rule the Gods This is a list of all changelogs since the first released Version of the game. Changes for Version 3.32.1123 (2020-03-28) The until boss button is now also available when you start a dungeon.

5th RB UAC156. TL;DR UAC167.

Special Fighting UAC173.Passive Gameplay. UAC201.

1st RB UAC212. 2nd RB UAC223. 3rd RB UAC234. 4th RB UAC245. 5th RB UAC256.Originally posted by.chaos258(/forums/2874/topics/650409?page=1#posts-10666627):.

doing a uac right now and should be ready to rebirth this Thursday and the total time taken for this rebirth(1st one) is 19 daysis that good? I’m playing actively by the way and all of my skills are one capped19 days are totally fine, if I remember correctly, my first rebirth took about the same time.I think I should add a not to my guide that onecapping the last few skills is the most important and might even save some time if you only onecap those.

(Especially the dodge skills etc take are very timeconsuming to onecap)Edit:Just added a changelog at the very bottom of the guide and suggested rebirth mults before going for the final rebirth to beat Baal.Originally posted by.ArtyD42(/forums/2874/topics/650409?page=1#10723520).:.Originally posted by.GoDLloyD(/forums/2874/topics/650409?page=1#10607737).:. I have done the UAC and would like to help those tortured souls who went into the UAC. I saw Arty comment on a UAC guide i thought he might share his thoughts in what could be done to get a AUC done faster, or say what a good guide this is, but nope you post that. God bless you, you insane basterad.

Thanks for the great UAC guide.!(careful if you follow the active guide. I just finished a UAC on the steam version this morning and saw it was possible to miss the pet if you finish too quickly. Following the active guide I spent roughly 16 + 3.5 + 3.5 + 3.5 + 1.75 days in each rebirth.RB4 took significant special fighting effort to meet the 1E36/1 multi by the 10m achieve. Found it useful to spend first night after RB with split clones to get the level 2 upgrades on Div generator as that takes about 8 hours.

Other prime choices for inactive sleeping periods are physical attack% might and godly statues. Emphasizing using unleash to kill a higher level monster; it makes a huge difference in special fighting divinity.I rebirthed right after 10M achives, killed Pontus/Eros/Susano/Amaterasu and ended up having just over 1E36/1 multis and 400% Might on RB5. I didn't get as much might on the last couple rebirths and put all GP except for first three points into build speed. Ended up killing Baal with a 20 second unleash using base 8E55 attack.Originally posted by.Robstradomus(/forums/2874/topics/650409?page=1#10740399).:. Ryu added the 32 day limit 6-9 months ago, because previously no one had completed a UAC in under 35 days without cheating. This was due to people trying to decrypt Arty's confusing and vague sayings about a wall.

Now that we know it's possible to do it faster, Ryu should lower it. Make a post about it.

I'll try to remember to tell him whenever I see him in chat. Grats on your fast run!It was always possible to complete in less time. The problem was that people were posting less than minimum times. I'm sure I can get under 28 days when I do my second playthru. Yes, thanks for the guide, it helped a lot.!(think it's possible to break the 23 day limit.

I finished in about 15 + 3.5 + 2 + 3.5 + 1.1 days per rebirth, and gaining 2 days should be achievable.RB1 can be sped up a lot (even more than I did) by not going after all 1-caps immediately. All 1-caps generates 135416 stat points per tick (before multipliers), and top 4 is already 93303 (69%), not to mention Gear Eyes takes forever to train normally. I also lost a bit of time because I had to wait for enough stats to take down Pontus, after top 4 skills 1-capped. Still think Pontus is the correct god for RB1, but once you 1-cap say top 2, ditch Doppelganger and go fighting gods - that means you can do physical training now and get the most important achieves without 4 days after 1-caps. (I further messed up by going after Might way too early, so maybe another half day's worth of waiting for skill cooldowns as I'm not 1-shotted)RB2 takes the full time 3.5 days, all 10M achieves to take down Eros, so that probably is a wall. 40 sec unleash and about 40 might everything else. (Unknown: whether dropping a god down is useful here, see RB3)RB3 I took a 2/2 gen and full special fighting throughout.

Susano-o drops relatively fast at 2 days in, and since the next god is impossible within 2 days, I simply rebirthed at that point. For this one, pump GS upgrades most of the time (you want current stats mostly I think). Agree with hratt, unleashing to kill an extra monster helps a lot in special fighting.RB4 also took a 2/2 gen and full special fighting. It took a 15/15ish ToG to take down Amaterasu (we want max rebirth stats), and that pretty much hits the 3.5 day mark (which gives 1/3 more rebirth stat). Ended up 1.6e36, which helped last rebirth.RB5, since the target time was very low, just took a 1/1 gen. That's still easily enough to get a 27/27 GS, 25 sec unleash (74% phys attack) and knock Baal in 1d1h30.

Total might just around 400% as well.

Hey guys, K0ntr4 here.TL;DR and stats at the bottom of the post.I've been meaning to post here for a while, and i've finally found some spare time.First off, big props to Ryu not only for creating this game, but to continuously support it and actively posting in forums.Second, i'm usually a lurker on forums, so people who constantly reply to other players on these forums are heroes in my eyes.And for the main event, my stats. I haven't been following any specific guides besides the godly spreadsheet 'Creating,Crystals & Planning', so i was trying to slowly figure out things myself.

But i think it's high time to have the community review my stats and maybe add some suggestions and comments.Main reason i posted is that i've seen people with simillar clone count having a massive ammounts of CS,BS and CC.I know that everyone's playstyle varies, but the difference between those numbers is HUGE.The reason for my high Max Clones being so high is that i'm currently in the middle of AAC and UUC, so i do usually 3 day rebirths, so i have some time to create my clones. I also started killing all UBv2 every run, which is a great income of GP. Also have 6 crystal slots, which helps a lot with building up CP.In any case, i'd like to plan for future and see what stats i lack and what would be a great way to go from here.Misc stats:Pet wise, i started doing dungeons only a few days ago, mostly because of the event candies, so i'm completely clueless about that and plan on doing some reading about that.

I was really hoping you'll respond Fel, cause i've seen your comments and there are always heaps of valuable informations in there, so.thanks a lot!:)Your suggestions are along the lines i was thinking too, but i didn't expect it to be that extreme.I calculated i'll need about 8.5k GP to get to the numbers you listed, so that seems quite doable in coming months.I'm thinking, since you can jump from one AAC to another without loosing multipliers, so my clones are blackbarred in the beginning of every AAC and then every UUC, im gonna leave CS for the last. Im gonna prioritise BS for now, cause that seem to help me the most in coming two months, and right after that CC for faster clone buildup every 3 days between challenges.

How does that sound?Thanks you for pointing out the AFKy pet, i started working on him, but then i got lazy. Gonna get back to him asap.For the rest of the pets, i'm thinking about 10 on growth and 10 on GP for next month or so, to bring up my GP numbers up plus my 4 freshly bought pets up to growth.All this while i read up on dungeons, devise teams, get some items from feeding otter and possible evolve some pets along the way.Also gonna look into UPC asap, double campaign rewards sound tasty!I hope my reasoning in this post makes sense and if not, please correct me.Thanks again for answering so quickly. Much appreciated! Messaggio originale di:For the rest of the pets, i'm thinking about 10 on growth and 10 on GP for next month or so, to bring up my GP numbers up plus my 4 freshly bought pets up to growth.All this while i read up on dungeons, devise teams, get some items from feeding otter and possible evolve some pets along the way.Yeah, growth campaign tends to pretty consistently be a top priority.

Many will try to establish a 'growth chamber' as soon as they can. A specific set of pets that will always go on the growth campaign until they're all over 25k growth (especially if they've specifically got a bonus for the growth campaign on top of that), which puts them in the top tier for what they add to the growth campaign results. Then once you have 9 strong pets like that (send 10 while building up the chamber pets of course, but obviously once they're strong enough you want the 10th spot open), they can help any weaker pet play catch-up us quickly as possible.Item campaign has often tended to be the next most favored campaign, for pet stones and all the things you can save up pet stones to buy. But to be fair it takes some high stats (and growth to reach those stats in a reasonable amount of time before starting your campaign-running each rebirth of course) to really get a decent income rolling in there.GP campaign can be nice but it takes a lot more to really see good payouts from it. On top of wanting high stats just like the item campaign, you'd also likely want a couple different pets that require pet tokens to unlock them: FSM and Nightmare.

FSM doubles the results from the GP campaign, and Nightmare removes the cap on what each individual pet can find.Technically the Pandora's Box (P.Baal 66 pet, but it can be a good 'waste' of a token of you want it early) can multiply GP campaign results a bit as well, but generally the Box finds its home as part of the growth chamber so you can multiply those results.Without FSM or Nightmare (or Box), the most a run of the GP campaign can ever produce is a total of 10 GP. (One per pet.) With strong enough pets, you can reach that cap even if they only go out for just a few hours.I think you're fine running some GP campaigns at the point in the game you're at though. Every little bit extra helps, right? It'll just be nice to get that extra help for it at some point later on. Thank you for your reply.I just finished an 11 hour campaign with my pets on godpower, got 26 from there. I have both nightmare and FSM.

Quantum break 2021. Although every pet just gave me 1 god power besides nightmare, which gave me 4. So i think my stats are too low for the god power cap removal to do anything.But wait.they are all the same growth, so they should be producing more than 1 GP each, or? Or is nightmare uncapping it only for itself?Don't really know which campaign to put Nightmare on if not godpower. 200% is nice, but if 9 other pets suffer 20%, then it can be a dealbreaker.I think i'll start with the growth chamber now, since till now ive been always mixing up pets.

The approach I referred to in that topic (but forgot to link to the other topic after I found it, apparently.) is the most specific and in-depth attempt at it that I ever saw. Although I seem to recall feeling like I probably hadn't explained it properly there.

I hadn't been entirely certain that I really even understood all of it as it had been explained to me, to be honest.Still, the problem with that approach, or any other attempt to model it, is the element of randomness in the actual calculations that the game is doing behind the scenes. It's not just a nice simple 'input X' - 'output Y' like we might prefer to be able to use. Each fight with a UB, whether started manually or left up to defender clones, is handled internally as a big turn-based battle where the enemy is randomly selecting different attacks to use against you and scoring random damage within whatever range its chosen attack is capable of dealing. The model can predict that if you start with X clones you'll end up with Y clones, but the actual results could be within some margin of error above or below Y depending on the random outcomes.I think that model also had weird breakpoints that could cause really serious swings away from the predicted results when starting with a different number of clones could result in a fight requiring more turns to complete, since each extra turn that it lasts causes the UB's attack strength to escalate. It gets really messy at that point.Most people tend to just 'guess and test' it so they can just learn from experience what number is safe for them to use early in a run and what number is safe for them to use after establishing relevant bonuses with mystic and ultimate crystals and with 'planet+' might.Or there is the cap button. It assigns what's supposed to be the correct number for the strongest unlocked UB to be dealt with in offline fights, although this is different from what works normally. I think it's simplified in some way.

I think Ryu stated somewhere once what the formula is that he used for the cap button, but I don't actually recall what he said. All the wiki states is that offline fights don't use the defense bonus from the crystals.For whatever it's worth, the wiki states this about the 5th UB:Recommended clones to kill in 1 fight, with no bonuses: 1,325,000+Which is probably a cautious overestimate from what I recall. (I would've said 1 million exactly, though I seem to recall the wiki at one point listing this value as 1.2 million.)I know that I've got the 25% damage reduction from ChP and I have no issues leaving it at 800k defenders to start. (And I just tried the cap button first thing in a new rebirth and it actually fills in 750k so maybe my 800k is a bit too cautious.)(Although. To be fair, by the time the 5th UB even spawns for the first time might has unlocked (50 free levels right away from my DRC completions, so that's 50% attack and defense to factor in) and there's time that clones could be leveling might as well (improving the attack and defense even more) and time to get some low level crystals made as well (if I'm paying attention at that point). I'm not at zero bonuses by the time the fight happens.)It's been a long time since I bothered reducing how many defender clones it autofills later in the run but I seem to recall something around 100k or 50k defenders eventually being safe once planet+ is leveling and some decent crystals are equipped. (I'm at 17.8M clones.

Once you get enough millions of clones you can kind of stop caring whether or not some 700k-750k of an initial 800k defenders get freed up to do other things.). Messaggio originale di Fel:It doesn't account for your equipped crystals since those are not counted for the offline kills, so you can multiply it by (reduction/100) if you want to free as many clones as possible.if i have 84%DR / clones take only 16% dmg/That would be 370k.(84/100) = 310kis that correct? That seems weird, with such high reduction, it removes only 60k clones.and if it would be 370k.(16/100) = 59k, that seems way too little since i lost almost 100k clones last fight.Also, since i'm gonna actively farm AFKy now, probably gonna be online 24/7Muljostpho, thank you for the in-depth explanation of the UB fight mecahnics and even your personal data, much appreciated! Yeah, i figured that it might be that way. Anyhow, it doesn't add up.It was a defender fight, i read the results in the log.

That's what's weird. A fight that should be won with 60k clones, but i suffered 100k clones loss.Anyhow, i'll follow the math during next fight with ITRTG/online, defender clones/I'm down to 5% dmg taken, and CAP lists 367k.So then math would be 0.05.367k = 18350 Defender Clones, which seems ridiculously low.I've just fought Living Sun with 20k clones, and i lost 15k, so yeah, don't see that happening.Also, i've bought the 25%DR with challenge points, but my def clone cap didn't decrease. Could it be that the reduction form Challenge points is additive with crystal's defence?And yeah, i am planning to use a script, i like to be efficient like that. Hope that's okay with the rules here? It's actually nice that the math is off:) Gonna try to get to the minimum def clone number by just.playing:)Hmm, i see why you guys have arguments about that.

Even I got a bit triggered by you calling it cheating. I think there's a fine line, but the thing is, it's completely different line for everyone. So i understand.I didn't know there's a high score for this game.

I'm just playing for myself. But i have disabled it in any case.And yeah, so since i was on 5%DMG, i bought the challenge point upgrade, but that didn't change my def clone cap at all, so there must be some other math formula figuring that out that.neglects damage reduction? Messaggio originale di:Or there is the cap button. It assigns what's supposed to be the correct number for the strongest unlocked UB to be dealt with in offline fights, although this is different from what works normally. I think it's simplified in some way. I think Ryu stated somewhere once what the formula is that he used for the cap button, but I don't actually recall what he said.

All the wiki states is that offline fights don't use the defense bonus from the crystals.Update on this point: Ryu had this in the changelog when that button was added.It is now possible to defeat Ultimate Beings offline. To be able to do that, you need 150k. UB tier. 100 / (100 + Clones on Planet + level) set as defender clones.

This is limited to 3 days of offline time.So we're talking offline defenders = 150k. 5. 100 / (100 + level) = 75M / (100 + level). At 0 levels in planet+, that's 750k. At 50 levels, that's 500k. At 100 levels, that's 375k.

At 200 levels, that's 250k. At 300 levels, that's 187.5k. At 400 levels, that's 150k. At 500 levels, that's 125k.How to factor in other bonuses for more minmax style 'safe' numbers that can be used when the game is online though.? Looks like we'd need to factor in both the crystal DR and the ChP defense.You said that the cap button set it to 367k defenders, so. You had around 104 or 105 levels in 'clones on planet+' when you clicked it. That sound right?Hmmm.

Kind of a random guess here, but I want to try looking at 150k. 5. (100 / (100 + CoPlevel)). (100 / (100 + ChPbonus)). (100 / (100 + crystalDR)).So for your case that's 750k.

(100 / (100 + 104)). (100 / (100 + 25)). (100 / (100 + 95)) = 367k. (100 / (100 + 25)). (100 / (100 + 95)) = about 150829 or 150830.I say let's round up and call that 151k. (scrolls back up, sees that you started this line of questioning with 150k defenders getting victory with 100k in losses) Well look at that. By some coincidence you already tested pretty close to that amount.Wait.

You mentioned having 84% DR for that one, not 95%. You improved it to 95% by the next post an hour later.

Backtracking and changing it to 84. That changes the result to be about 159846 or 159847, which I'll just round up to 160k. So the safer bet there might have actually been 160k, not 150k.